

Captivity Introduction 2

Series: Captivity


Period: Captivity

Scripture LimitDaniel Ezekiel

  • Jeremiah/Lamentations
  • II Kings 24-25 & II Chronicles 36

5 Things:

  1. Babylonians Captivity in 3 Waves
    • 606 –Daniel and others taken captive to Babylon
    • 597 – Ezekiel & Others (10,000) taken captive
    • 586 – Jerusalem & Temple Destroyed; remaining people taken captive
      • Under King Zedekiah
    • WHY Captivity?  Jeremiah 44:2-6
  2. 70 Years & A Future Hope
  3. Prophets – Daniel & Ezekiel
  4. Medo-Persians (Cyrus)  conquer the Babylonians & the Return Begins
  5. Return in 3 Waves – Zerubabbel & Joshua (536), Ezra (458), Nehemiah (445)


WHY? Unfaithfulness: Promise of Captivity


70 Years & A Future Hope


Cyrus: Captivity is Over

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